Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Question

What does a podiatrist do?

Podiatrists are university qualified health professionals specializing in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. Through a detailed and comprehensive consultation, a podiatrist will determine the nature of your problem and then design a treatment program suited to your needs. The treatment program may involve a single visit, an exercise program or liaison with your doctor, or specialized treatments

Do I need a referral to visit Sydney Foot Clinic?

No. Just like seeing a GP anyone can make an appointment at Sydney Foot Clinic. If your treatment is covered by the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC), Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or Workcover then a GP’s referral will be required.

Does my Private Health Fund cover podiatry?

Yes. Private health funds cover podiatry service but rebates will vary according to the level of cover you have. Our friendly reception staff can provide you with item codes that you can check with your health fund directly to find out about your personal entitlements to podiatry fees.

Will Medicare cover podiatry service?

There are some circumstances where Medicare will contribute to the podiatry fee. For example, if you have been classified by your doctor (GP) as having a chronic medical condition (such as diabetes, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease), an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) will cover you for the podiatry fee. The EPC plan may entitle you to 5 podiatry visits a year. If you think you might be eligible for an EPC plan, then contact your doctor to make the necessary arrangements and contact Sydney Foot Clinic for a podiatry care program. Some patients who are part of the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) will also pay NO GAP for podiatry service.

Do you sterilise all your tools?

Sydney foot clinic has onsite sterilisation and guarantees sterility of all instruments used for treatments, providing aseptic techniques, ensuring delivery of a high clinical standard.

How Does TeleHealth works?
  • Simple and easy
  • The consultation will be performed via a video on your mobile phone or laptop
  • We will send you a link prior to your appointment which when clicked, will then take you to the appointment
What is TeleHealth?

TeleHealth/Online Podiatry is a service available for those unable to attend the clinic due to extenuating circumstances, remote areas, overseas, travel restrictions or if you just hate traffic! The consultation will be performed no different to what we will do in the clinic.

What is done during a TeleHealth Consultation?
  • We will run through your medical history
  • Listen to your description of your symptoms
  • Assess your movement, range of motion, look at your gait and ask you to perform special tests to help diagnosis your injury
  • We will make recommendations to manage your symptoms which will include;
    • Education on foot and nail care
    • Assess nails, skin conditions
    • Exercise and stretching programs
    • Target treatments for your pain
    • Footwear assessments
    • Orthotic review/discussion
    • Referrals for x rays and ultrasounds
How Much Does a TeleHealth Consulation Cost?
  • $50 for a 20 minute appointment (reduction from our standard $75)
  • $30 for a 15 minute appointment.

Is it bulk billed and can I use my private health for my appointment?

  • At Sydney Foot Clinic we do bulk bill – so if you have a referral from your GP we will sort out the rest with no cost to you!
  • Unfortunately, currently, private health insurance does not cover online/telehealth consultations

How do u pay?

  • Following your appointment payment can be over the phone or we will give you the details for a EFT and email you a receipt.
I have diabetes, why do I need to take extra care of my feet?

Diabetes can adversely affect the nerves and the blood supply to the feet. You may not be able to feel things as well as you used to and sores may not heal as quickly. As a result, simple steps can help avoid complications of diabetes; avoiding open – toed shoes, getting into hot baths without checking the temperature, having regular check-ups with your podiatrist, and not walking around barefoot, are just some of the recommendations we make to avoid diabetic related foot problems.

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