Is your child limping after sports? Is your child complaining of heel pain?
Now that some COVID restrictions are easing, children will be returning to community and club based sports and we often see children with “heel pain” also known as Severs Disease!
What is Sever’s disease?
Sever’s disease is the most common cause of heel pain in children between 8-14 years of age due to an irritation/stress at the heel bone (calcaneus) growth plate. Severs is a painful inflammation of this growth plate and often misdiagnosed as ‘Growth spurt pain.
What your child might normally complain off?
Pain, swelling and tenderness at the back of the heel with the pain often made worse by squeezing the heel. Sports involving running, jumping and sprinting can make it worse at this puts extra stress on the heel.
How is it treated?
Sever’s is progressive so early assessment by a podiatrist is important. General Rest Ice Compression Elevation principles should be used however additional podiatry management for Severs can involve
- Taping and strapping to reduce tension on the Achilles tendon
- Exercise and stretching program for the Achilles tendon and calf muscle complex
- Footwear education – ensuring the foot is appropriately supported during sports and activity
- Orthotics therapy

Sydney Foot clinic is servicing Sydney Foot Clinic services all surrounding areas including
- Moorebank
- Chipping Norton
- Holsworthy
- Liverpool
- Milperra
- Georges Fair
- Hammondville
- Wattle Grove
- Revesby
- Condell Park
- Lurnea
- Cartwright
- Miller
- Mount Pritchard
- Ashcroft
- Casula
- Prestons
- Hoxton Park
- Edmenson Park